Sunday, June 28, 2009

Are you ready to Let Go?
You have had to let go of your loved one with Alzheimer's in many ways with this disease. The way they use to act and talk. The idea that they don't know who you are any more. Some of you even had to let go of your role as a caregiver. You may have put her/him in nursing home or you turned over your care to a professional caregiver in your home. But even though you had to let go of many aspects of your loved one gradually through the years, don't expect to be able to completely let go of your loved one when they die.

Letting go of the role of caregiver will be harder than you think. For many people, the role of a caregiver is primary source of self-validation. When your loved one dies, you may feel lost, worthless, useless without the responsibility of taking care of them. Be careful that these feelings don't turn you into depression or despair. You are worthwhile, and must deal with your feelings and go on to find new ways to fill your life with meaning.

Marie Fostino
Alzheimer's A Caretakers Journal
Seaboard Press An Imprint Of James A Rock & Co., Pub.

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