Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Good evening,
I want to share with you a wonderful person that I have come to know. Her name is Rev. Jamie Saloff. She is a Cancer survivor, an author, hosts workshops, and organizes conferences with the intention of helping others improve their lives physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Her book is called Transformational Healing. Her website is . She also has an authors visibility website called The Polka Dot Banner. She has written a real nice review about my book. She wrote, THE THING I FELT ABOUT THE BOOK WAS THAT IT SEEMED TO OFFER A POSITIVE OUTLOOK ON SOMETHING THAT SEEMINGLY HAD NOTHING POSITIVE TO OFFER. SOME OF THE SITUATIONS WERE GUT WRENCHING, AND YET, YOU NOT ONLY CAME THROUGH THEM, BUT HAVE NOW BECAME AN INSPIRATION TO OTHERS WHO ARE GOING THROUGH IT NOW. THAT'S A VERY GOOD THING. Thank you for those kind words Jamie. She is going to put my book on her Polka Dot Banner starting Monday August 24. So if you get a chance go to her link and find my book and hit it. The top hit profile each month wins a featured author position.
Marie Fostino
Alzheimer's A Caretakers Journal
An Imprint of James A. Rock & Co., Pub.

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