Thursday, May 27, 2010

Alzheimer's Blogging

Keeping a journal during this terrible disease was a way to see how much my father in law changed. Sometimes the days would run into each other and I needed to write to make sure I caught all the changes. Here is another entry in my Journal.

May 20, 2003

Dad got up a couple of times last night and when I put him back to bed, even thought he's wearing a diaper now, I'll find both him and the bed wet. It's good thing I have a plastic cover on the mattress. Now he's having trouble with the bathroom during the day. I'm not sure if he forgets or if he's having trouble getting his pants undone. I'm having real trouble finding elastic waist pants with no zipper. I don't want sweat pants or nylon pants. I always see people in nursing homes wearing these, but Dad never wore pants like that.

I still think that maintaining a regular schedule and making him do simple things keeps him from roaming too much, both physically and mentally. Maybe I'm just fooling myself, but I hope a routine will keep him with us a little longer, mentally. I think he deserves whatever I can do to maintain a quality of life.

I'm afraid I'll have to start using the diapers in the daytime as well as at night. He told Jimmy he doesn't want to think for himself and wants people to think for him. That is not the Joe I know.

I am sure many of you are in this place right now. Just remember you are not alone. I felt alone because family would not come and visit me. Thank heavens for my husband and my kids and my girlfriend Lynn. If there is anything I can write about that can help you please let me know. I would like to help anyway I can.

Marie Fostino
Alzheimer's A Caretakers Journal
Seaboard Press An Imprint Of James A Rock Pub., Co.

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