Wednesday, May 19, 2010


One of my favorite memories is the first time my husband and I decided to go camping. We were young and had only a couple of children. My father in law, Joe, came with us. Joe is what you would call a handy man. He was so smart, and had so much patience. So we went to Yogi Bears Park in Illinois. We brought three tents. Sure enough my husband was having trouble putting them together. Thank heavens for the wisdom and patience of Joe, our tents were put up for the night. Jimmy thought he had it all for cooking, but had trouble with the propane burner. So thanks to Joe we also got to eat. It was fun fishing, swimming and the camp fire afterwards. Joe was also great to have around when we took it all down. I kept the kids busy, and the two men packed up.

My reason for this is even though my father in law had to get that terrible disease called Alzheimer's I have wonderful memories of the man he was and that is what helped me get through the time to till his death. It was because of the wonderful person he was that made me want to take care of him till his death. That is what made me want to try to give back to him to him what he gave to us.

Marie Fostino
Alzheimer's A Caretakers Journal
Seaboard Press An Imprint of James A Rock Pub., Co.

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