Sunday, October 10, 2010


Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s:
Below are ten major signs to look for in your loved ones.

1. Memory Loss Forgets important dates. Asks the same question over and over again.

2. Difficulty performing familiar tasks Has trouble turning on the light switch. They may forget how to make coffee which they have being doing all of their life.

3. Problems with language Your loved one might have trouble finding the right words and may call things by the wrong name.

4. Disorientation to time and place Alzheimer’s patients often ask to go home, even if they are sitting in the own home.

5. Poor or decreased judgement This stage almost seems like impulsive behavior however, Alzheimer’s patients often lose their judgement. You might see an Alzheimer’s patient
pay too much money or simply hand out money for no reason.

6. Problems with abstract thinking Abstract thinking requires a great deal of brain power. As a result, Alzheimer’s patients often display difficulty in concentrating and often lose the ability to follow a plan.

7. Misplacing things As the disease progresses your loved one may place objects in unusual
places. When they can not find them, they accuse others of stealing from them.

8. Changes in mood or behavior There are a wide range of emotions expressed by an Alzheimer’s patient including confusion, depression, fearfulness, and anxiety.

9. Trouble understanding visual images They may have difficulty reading or judging distances.

10. Loss of initiative Your loved one may remove themselves from hobbies, work, and social activities.

Marie Fostino
Alzheimer's A Caretakers Journal
Seaboard Press An Imprint Of James A Rock Pub., Co.

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