Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Alzheimer's Blogging: Alzheimersblogging:

Today is starting out with a cute 77 yr old female whom I was told has altered level of consciousness. When we found her lying in bed, she was awake with an IV running and oxygen on. When I asked her to squeeze my hands, she couldn't seem to do it. But when I asked her how old she was, she told me she didn't remember. I love that answer. At least she was telling me the truth. The one thing that bothered me was the crusting on her tongue and the bruising on her arms. Please keep a watch on your loved one, no matter where they live. I read her paperwork, and it read she has Alzheimer's with mood disorder. She needs someone with a lot of compassion to keep an eye on her. Please check out where your loved one is going to live if you can't take care of them at home.

Marie Fostino
Alzheimer's A Caretakers J0urnal
Seaboard Press An Imprint of James A Rock Pub., Co.

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