Friday, July 16, 2010

Alzheimer's Blogging: Alzheimer's Blog:

As my father in law progressed through the stages of this terrible disease I watched him change. He all of a sudden could not stand still any more. He had to rock back and forth on each foot. When he sat in his favorite chair he would either move his legs up and down or rock himself in his chair. He would not go anywhere without asking permission. He loved to go on car rides and when I brought it up he would be so eager to go. But just as soon as we got to out destination, he immediately wanted to go back home. He constantly forgot what he was doing or where he was going. For example he would tell me he was going to the bathroom but he would walk into his bedroom. The worse thing was not being able to have a conversation with him. He could not understand what we were talking about and would get easily agitated when trying which would develop into him getting upset with us.

It is so hard to see a person who taught you about life, turn into a child. I remember the first time he couldn't make coffee. One morning he put the old coffee and poured it back through the coffee maker with the old coffee grounds. This was something he had done all of his adult life. Soon he forgot how to turn on the TV set and didn't know how to turn on the light switch.

It still breaks my heart today to see how this terrible disease melted his brain. But I have more fond memories, and millions of photos to keep the happy memories alive.

I hope this helps to let you know you are not alone. This is shared by millions of people. Find a good support group. Get respite care. And toward the end get hospice.

Marie Fostino
Seaboard Press An Imprint Of James A Rock Pub., Co.

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