Sunday, January 31, 2010


Today was an eventful day. My partner on the ambulance is a 25 yr old kid. Today was his wedding day. It was so beautiful to see him and his new bride say their vows, put sand in a jar, and have communion. I have done wedding pictures in the past, so I had to sneak to see what the photographer was doing. I was so impressed as I saw three women who had to be in their 70's & 80's getting their pictures taken with this couple. Yes they were grandparents and great aunts. And to me they looked so beautiful.

Such is life to marry young and get old together. I think of some of the people I pick up from nursing homes that have been married for 50 or 60 yrs and the stories they tell me. I love it. Isn't this what life is suppose to be about? Having a mate and growing old together? I have only been married for 35 yrs. I plan to harass my husband at least another 35 yrs if the Lord willing.

Alzheimer's does put a damper on this. My Aunt is 80 yrs old and her husband has Alzheimer's. She called the other day telling me that he is starting to get to hard for her to handle. Don't get me wrong. She said he is pleasant, but she can't keep up with the wet pants, wet sheets, and his getting lost in the house all the time. Plus she said that he won't let her out of his sight. I can't imagine how she is doing this at her age. This is the time her kids should be helping out more. Maybe they could come over and give her a break once in a while, or even take turns spending the night. Isn't that what life is all about, family helping family?

Marie Fostino
Alzheimer's A Caretakers Journal
Seaboard Press An Imprint of James A Rock Pub., Co.

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